Browse Items (32 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 2 pages New Amsterdam highlighted within present-day Lower Manhattan. Shorto, Russell. New Netherland Now YouTube Channel. Uploaded October 8, 2014. The Bradford Plan: An early survey map of New York in 1730 under British control (A plan of the city of New York from an actual survey.) Lyne, James. January 1, 1731/ January 1, 1732 Close up screenshot of The Bradford Plan: An early survey map of New York in 1730 under British control (A plan of the city of New York from an actual survey.) Lyne, James. January 01, 1731/ January 01, 1732. Part 1 (pg 1-6) of The record of municipal laws affecting the activities and movements of the black population in 18th century British New York. Williamson, Simon. Writer's Program, New York City: Negroes of New York Collection. January 1, 1664/ January 1, 1784. Part 2 (pg 7-12) of The record of municipal laws affecting the activities and movements of the black population in 18th century British New York. Williamson, Simon. Writer's Program, New York City: Negroes of New York Collection. January 1, 1664/ January 1, 1784. Part 3 (pg 13-18) of The record of municipal laws affecting the activities and movements of the black population in 18th century British New York. Williamson, Simon. Writer's Program, New York City: Negroes of New York Collection. January 1, 1664/ January 1, 1784. The Duke of York Laws (1665-75). Including the 1665 English rule that no Christians can be held in slavery. The Historical Society of the New York Courts website. January 1, 1665/ January 1, 1676. New York, the English colonial city, 1730. MacCoun, Townsend. January 1, 1730/ January 1, 1731. Amsterdam in New Netherland, 1653-1664. MacCoun, Townsend. January 1, 1653/ January 1, 1665. Print of New Amsterdam Screenshot of 1712 map of New York Screenshot of Robert Hunter letter. Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 2 pages Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2